The tester ET050 electric fence digital voltmeter measures voltage on your electric fence this is a good digital voltmeter to measure the voltage on your electric fence it has a range from 0.01-10.0kv(10-10000 volts) operates off a 9v with peak discharge,intermitten fence energizer less than 10 kv.
Electric fence Digital Tester for fence line/fence energizer/fence tape.
1.High reliable digital electric fence tester.
2.Low current consumption.
3.Clear sign for fence voltage.
4.Big LCD screen.
5.Fence voltage up to 12KV,when higher than 12KV,display"HI".
6.Battery voltage up to 18.5V.
7.Use 9V battery.
How to tester your fence:
Step1 Apply power to the fence by tyrning on the fence energizer.
Step2 Insert the bare mental grounding probe into the soil.It is attached to the voltage tester.
Step3 Hang the voltage tester on the fence wire .
Step4 Observe the voltage level indicated on the fence tester.